Announcement – Thursday 29th August 2024
On the 50th anniversary of the women’s football ‘ban’ being lifted, The Hampden Collection is recognising this significant chapter in Scottish football history by releasing a collection of poems that cover the diversity of our beautiful game.
Julie McNeill, The Hampden Collection Gaffer explains, “The Hampden Collection recognises this important anniversary, and the major challenges and restrictions faced by women who wanted to play the game they love. It is testimony to their character and resilience that the women’s game continues to grow from strength to strength.
This poetry collection is packed full of voices in celebration, determination and admiration and tells our stories in the way only poets can do.”
“Furthermore, in line with our determination to make this a story for all, our Poetry Curator Hugh McMillan is delighted to appoint our new SWNTPoets Society Makar Donna Matthew, who will lead this vibrant and growing poetry collection celebrating the women’s game both in Scotland, and internationally.”
Our mission never sleeps. We mark this important milestone in our footballing history and recommit ourselves to our long-term ambitions of preserving and protecting our footballing legacy through the Football’s Square Mile with a clear message – Football For All.
The final words are from two pioneering researchers, who have dedicated themselves to unearthing the untold story of the women’s game.
Professor Fiona Skillen, Glasgow Caledonian University, said, “The stories of the women who pioneered football in Scotland, particularly in the early decades have often been overlooked. They deserve to be recognised and celebrated. The Football’s Square Mile and work of The Hampden Collection has helped to raise the profile of many of these incredible women. Long may that continue!”
Dr Karen Fraser, Stirling University, adds, “The existence of the vibrant and ever growing women’s football community we have today is built on foundations formed by women who resisted and persisted refusing to be told by men that football was unsuitable. Any women and girls involved in any way with football today should be able to recognise and celebrate the women who went before. The Hampden Collection has helped raise the profile of these women and so enable their names to be remembered.”
Today is a moment to remember. Tomorrow, the next 50 years begin. Dare to Dream.